Thursday, July 21, 2011

Mind over matter … if your mind isn’t right, nothing else matters

        The battle of the bulge is not just about the food you shovel into your mouth. It is also about what you allow to grow inside your head.
      I am talking about your thoughts. What do you say about yourself - your goal to lose weight, your quest to become more physically fit - throughout the day? What do you say about food?

      Your thoughts are one of the keys to success. Thoughts are seeds that grow and produce fruit. I often compare a person’s thought life to a garden.

     When you allow your mind to wander or focus on negative thoughts, it is like not weeding a garden. And everyone knows that when you don’t tend a garden, the weeds will take over and choke out the flowers you are trying to grow.

      Weeds are like nagging negative thoughts or feelings. You know how it goes. “I will never lose this weight.” “After I lost the weight, I said I would never let myself go again. But here I am. I am too old now.” “I tried that diet and it doesn’t work.” “I can’t work out. I don’t have the time.” These are all weeds designed to choke out the abundant life you crave.

      It is time to tend your garden. You do that by challenging every negative thought that creeps into your mind. Every time you have a negative thought, ask these questions: Is it true? Who says? What steps have I taken to solve this issue? What expert advice have I sought? Have I surrounded myself with like-minded people who can support me in my efforts? Do my physical surroundings support what I am trying to do? Did I give it my all?
      Once you’ve challenged the negative thought, replace it with a positive affirmation. You will likely have to repeat the process over and over again for the rest of your life.

      My father once told me, “No one can tend your garden the way that you do.”

       We were weeding a flower bed at the time. As I look back on that conversation, I believe his comment had a deeper meaning.

         The body serves the mind.