Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Don’t fear the scale; use it to your advantage

Stepping on the scale is like a cold slap on the face.

You can’t fudge it. You can’t file excuses. You can’t make it disappear.

It’s just the hard, cold-stone facts. And while it should not be the only measure of progress, weighing yourself is a valuable tool that indicates whether you’re on the right track.

Weigh yourself weekly and try to do it at the same time and day each week. If you are up three pounds or more, it’s time to make adjustments in your diet or exercise regimen.

Weighing yourself more frequently will drive you crazy because body weight fluctuates for various reasons.

Weighing yourself less frequently allows you to wallow in denial. The longer you stay there, the further you get from your goal. And if fear has paralyzed you to the point where you cannot bear to get on the scale, not knowing your weight doesn’t change the truth.

If you have packed on a few pounds, chances are you already know it. Your clothes are fitting tighter. Maybe your midsection looks a bit more bulky.

No matter. You can always change your course.

So, step on the scale. Get the objective measure (your weight) of whether you are on track.

If you are on track, keep going. If not, make adjustments and still keep going. The journey continues no matter what.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed this article. No longer will I be afraid to step on the scale!
